Choose a drone that suits your needs


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We have created a simple to use platform

No longer do you have to scroll through thousands of capable pilots,
you simply state your preference and
we find you the perfect match at a competitive price.

How does it work?

Choose the service you need
If you're unsure, please reach out and
contact us.
Register with us
Tell us what you need.
It only takes 10 minutes!
Secure Payment
... And if you find a cheaper quote
we'll match or beat it.
Pair with pilot
We'll notify you by text or email
as soon as we've found a
pilot for your job.

Not sure which drone is right for you?

For more help please feel free to reach out and contact us


"Our first dealings with Applydrone showed us how useful drones could be providing us with amazing footage of very hard-to-reach areas.

We were pleased to see they were able to complete other jobs for us around the UK and not just in London."

"Our experience with Applydrone has always been great! We always receive a fast, professional and high-quality service each time.

We would highly recommend using Applydrone and we look forward to working with them in the future."

"We have been aware of the potential advantages of drones for some time, but have not effectively realised this until using Applydrone.

Their service is quick and efficient and removes any previous anxieties around the restrictive usage. The added value on projects of various sizes is clear and should not be overlooked."

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